PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveUsing Neural Networks to solve Ordinary Differential EquationsA fast guide to how to use Neural Networks to solve ODEs. Mathematical description and a Tensorflow implementation.Feb 23, 202110Feb 23, 202110
Published inTowards AIImplementing Particle Swarm Optimization in TensorflowHey, you all!! I'm presenting here a TensorFlow implementation of the particle swarm optimization algorithm. A brief explanation of PSO…Mar 7, 20225Mar 7, 20225
Published inTowards AIWhy Perceptron Neurons Need Bias Input?Everybody knows what is the neural network bias. And everybody uses it since the very first Perceptron implementation. But why we use it…Mar 7, 2020Mar 7, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaHow to use NASA open access data to find worldwide populationsMany of the US agencies (and private corps, as well) have tons of open access data available on the internet, and with the right tools, we…Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020